Kidney Awareness Monitoring & Prevention Society (KAMPS) has the intention to spread its programs activities across the country and will surely establish KAMPS Kidney Research Institute in Bangladesh. However our place is a haven for those eager to learn the ways to prevent and stay healthy, a fun place to explore, to discover through knowledge and will.

Major activities: Free Kidney Screening Program, Advocacy for Kidney Health, steps to raise, awareness & social responsibilities among media, Patient counselling, Free Medical Camp, Kidney Health Education Exhibition, Free Emergency Medical Treatment, Free Cleft Operation, Free Eye Camp, Free cataract operation for underprivileged poor senior citizens.

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Sign and symptom does not appear until 70 to 80% of kidney function is lost.

Kidney disease is silent killer. There for high risk patient routine laboratory test should be done for early detection of kidney disease. High risk people are those who have Diabetes, Hypertension, Nephritis and we obese, smoker, took long time pain killer, family history of kidney disease, past history of AKI and elderly people. For early detection of CKD eGFR is estimated, urine protein, Micro albumin and ACR is done.

Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society

KAMPS is a non-profitable voluntary organization formed by a group of volunteer,
under the leadership of Professor M. A. Samad, an eminent Nephrologist of Bangladesh.

Background of KAMPS

Its initial journey begins a couple of years earlier with medical camps. With those experiences its official journey starts from 3rd February, 2007.

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Mission of KAMPS

KAMPS wants to ensure awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney diseases of underprivileged people in the community through continuing .

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Vision of KAMPS

Our primary vision is to find out the prevalence of kidney diseases & to find out the causes of different kidney diseases in different age groups of people.

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Our Objective

Provide preventive (Early detection & timely intervention) services to kidney disease patients. Provide clinical services acute and chronic Kidney disease patients. // Provide preventive (Early detecti

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Professor Dr. M A Samad


By the grace of almighty Allah, KAMPS started its journey from the beginning of early 2000 at the Hatibandha village of Shakhipur Thana in Tangail and it was officially launched in February 3, 2007 at Moghbazar area in Dhaka. From the beginning, KAMPS engaged itself in raising awareness among general people regarding the prevention of kidney diseases. We provide dialysis and diagnosis services at a nominal expenses to help people in preventing their kidney related complications. Despite being a voluntary organization, KAMPS has been widening its working area in different disciplines considering the core demands of underprivileged people. We arrange a number of awareness and free screening programs every year to raise the awareness among people. High blood sugar and Hypertension may cause harm to our whole body as well as can affect the kidney. Hypertension and high blood sugar often causes CKD, AKI etc. Maintaining a proper diet, drinking adequate pure water, shun smoking and physical exercise regularly can help us to prevent Kidney diseases. Our vision is to establish dialysis and screening centers in remote parts of the country much more in number and we want to ensure awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney diseases of underprivileged people around us and keep them safe from the dreadful consequences of the disease through continued research and development.


Rezwan Salehin


The message that I am to communicate with you is about how to avoid CKD by being more aware about your health and that of your loved ones. Being non Negotiable about your own wellbeing, choking your kidney health, knowing the risk factors, learning how to cope with CKD if you are patient will only empower you to further living a healthier life. Your cardiovascular system, illnesses like hypertension, diabetes etc is closely related to kidney health, these diseases are very common now a days and are asymptomatic just like kidney disease, hence we urge you to get tested and advised. Our doctors are ready to consult you free of cost, our labs have well equipped and our dialysis centers updated to the highest standards Every year we conduct multiple events throughout Bangladesh, where the general population, specially the unclear privilege who are deprived of health care are provided with free of cost specialist and doctor’s consultation, prescribed and we provide free medicines, free of charge diagnostics and eye cataract operation. Every year we conduct press conferences where celebrities, politicians, bankers, govt. body policy makers, kidney specialist, news media personals are invited. Awareness related discussions are held and published in news media, for you to be more conscious. We know you cannot afford to be unhealthy. Please help us reach more people and together save more lives. Thank you and keep us in your prayers.


Charitable organization is a non-profit organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy.

Head Office

  • House # 21, Road # 03, Block # B, Noboudoy R/A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207.
  • +8801790-666888, +8801762-241183
  • Total Visit: 16962
  • Today's Visit: 35