Kidney Diseases in Bangladesh



Currently the picture of Kidney Disease in Bangladesh is alarming. It is roughly estimated that about 20 million people of the country are suffering from some sorts of kidney disease, about 5 patient die from renal failure every hour. The only way to keep the renal failure patient alive is either dialysis or kidney transplantation. Kidney transplantation facilities are very limited in Bangladesh. Hardly exceed one hundred transplantations per year on the other hand dialysis treatment is so expensive that even 10% patients can't afford the cost, therefore more than 90% kidney failure patients die almost without treatment. 
On the other hand, this premature deaths can be prevented by in nearly 60% of renal failure patients if deleted in early stages and taken appropriate measure to treat the causes. It is suggested from some data that 3 main causes are responsible for more than 80% is renal failure in Bangladesh. These are glomerulus’s nephritis, DIABETES mellitus and hypertension. these all are controllable with minimum costs. Other causes of limestone disease, obstructive uropathy URINARY TRACT INFECTION are curable if detected earlier. Most of the causes of Acute Renal Failure are also preventable and curable life detected earlier in addition to causing heart disease and brain stroke major causes of death nowadays unfortunately these diseases are acorlyacryl a dressed in this country. DIABETES is of epidemic proportion, and its prevalence will double in the next 25 years, particularly in the developing countries like Bangladesh. This will place an enormous financial burden on countries, including the cost of the management of end stage renal failure. Thus, it is medically and economically imperative for awareness, detection and prevention programs to be introduced in Bangladesh. The chronic Kidney Diseases in Bangladesh are not adequately addressed mainly due to lack of clear knowledge regarding its magnitude as well as factors associated with these diseases. The predominant cause of CKD in our country is glomerulonephritis which is preventable as well as treatable to a large extent. Early detection & timely intervention is very essential.
A snapshot on Kidney Disease situation in Bangladesh:
More than 2 Crore (20 million) people are suffering from any form of kidney disease.
14 – 18% people suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) in rural & urban areas revealed in some studies.
35,000– 40,000 people die with ESRD (End Stage of Rural Disease) every year.
20,000– 25,000 people suffer from acute kidney failure every year.

Treatment facilities available at present:  
Only 120 Nephrologists (Kidney disease specialist) & 140 Urologists (Kidney surgeon). 
Only 1 (one) specialized kidney institute at government level (NIKDU).
Only 20 (twenty) dialysis centers are there in greater Dhaka city.
A kidney failure patient has to pay at least BDT 10,000 (ten thousand BDT) per week for dialysis.
There have only 5 (five) centers for kidney transplant in Bangladesh at present.
90 - 95% kidney patients cannot afford treatment costs due to lack of financial support.
Only 6 Medical College Hospital can provide medical service for kidney patients.
No structured kidney screening program.


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Head Office

  • House # 21, Road # 03, Block # B, Noboudoy R/A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207.
  • +8801790-666888, +8801762-241183
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