Kidney Screening Program



The non-profit volunteer organization KAMPS is playing a significant role in raising awareness for undergoing regular kidney screening to check the kidney position among the people. It conducts kidney screening at a very reasonable cost. Specialist doctors and consultants work from 8 am to 5 pm, 6 days a week at KAMPS centers. The screening program of KAMPS contributes significantly to reducing the risks of kidney diseases among the people who usually visit KAMPS for screening. As regular campaigns and motivational works are done from this center, many people have already become aware through these activities and they have come to reduce their risk of kidney disease, which is very much the fruition and success of the targeted objectives of the KAMPS. Kidney disease is a silent killer. Sign and symptom does not appear until 70 to 80% of kidney function is lost. Therefore, a high risk patient routine laboratory test should be done for early detection of kidney disease. High risk people are those who have Diabetes, Hypertension, Nephritis and the obese, smoker, took long time pain killer, family history of kidney disease, past history of AKI and elderly people. For early detection of CKD eGFR is estimated, urine protein, Micro albumin and ACR is done. In some cases, renal imaging is done. Once chronic kidney disease is detected, many relevant tests are done to find out complications and causes of kidney disease. A database is maintained to contribute to national policy making.


Charitable organization is a non-profit organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy.

Head Office

  • House # 21, Road # 03, Block # B, Noboudoy R/A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207.
  • +8801790-666888, +8801762-241183
  • Total Visit: 16976
  • Today's Visit: 49